

Hi there! I am Gustavo (顾天佑).I am 38 years old and have been teaching English for about 20 years. Besides studying and working in the UK as a full-time teacher and Senior Teacher, I have also worked and lived in Mainland China and Macao. During my stay in those countries and regions, I have taught English to all ages - children, teens, adults and trained both international and local teachers to improve their performance by using the TESOL methodology in the classroom.  My favorite hobbies include dancing (I was a professional dancer for 10 years!), jogging, doing the housework and cooking. I hope to give my best performance to provide high standards and become a Chinese Teacher someday!

大家好,我是Gustavo中文名叫顾天佑,今年38岁,从事英语教学将近20年。我在英国学习过,也在那里从教过,并成为一名资深的老师,之后我来到大陆和澳门从事英语教育工作。在我工作过的这些地方,我教过不同的年龄层的学生,有儿童,青少年,成人并且还利用对外英语教学方法培训过中外教,以此来帮助他们提高课堂表现力。 我最大的兴趣是跳舞(我曾经做过一名专业舞者做了10年了),我还喜欢跑步,做家务以及烹饪。我希望能够以我最好的表现来提供一个高标准教学,并且希望有一天我能成为一名中文老师!

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